
Multi-depth Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor 60cm

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The Multi-depth Soil Moisture and Temperature sensor includes a 60cm Aquacheck probe that reports soil moisture and temperature at 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 50cm and 60cm depths .  By default soil moisture and temperature is reported at 9am every day. More frequent measurements can be configured if required.

The SIM card, battery, telemetry unit, probe and cable are all included. Provided you have cellular coverage on site you can simply install the probe, activate the unit and monitor your soil conditions remotely via the Farmo App.

Increase yield, improve crop quality, save water and electricity costs by measuring soil moisture and temperature at multiple depths.

The AquaCheck factory calibrates these probes to read 0 in air and 100 in water. Please note the value returned IS NOT a % of soil moisture, but a scaled frequency unit (SFU). It is also not linear with moisture. If conversion is required to read moisture in volumetric units, then a “soil calibration formula” will need to be used. User must note that soil calibrations are very specific to the particular soil type. If the user requires very accurate volumetric readings, then an “in-field” calibration would be highly advised.

 Installation Instructions: [download]


Daily data uplink at 9:00am (configurable)

Sensors at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60cm

Extra long 6m cable

Real-time alerts via email or SMS

Monitor via Farmo App and dashboard

Product dimensions Probe 60cm || Cable 6m || Enclosure 20 x 11 x 5cm
Sensor Capacitance-based soil moisture and soil temperature monitoring device
Capacity 0 (air) to 100 (water) || Temp 0-51 degC
Connectivity Cellular (NB-IoT/Cat-M1)
Network coverage required Yes. Telstra (default), Optus and international
Waterproof IP67
Battery type LiSoCl2 7aH
Battery lifespan More than 1 year
Subscription required Yes

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